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Ubisoft to fight EA over "Ghost" trademark

Ghost Recon publisher argues gamers will be confused or deceived by EA's use of word.


Ubisoft is opposing Electronic Arts' trademark application for the the term "Ghost" in relation to video games.

Ubisoft has been using the name "Ghost Recon" since 2001, while EA owns Ghost Games, the studio which has been developing Need For Speed games since 2011.

The French publisher of Assassin's Creed and The Division believes that EA's use of "Ghost" is likely to "cause confusion, to cause mistake, or to deceive".

"Consumers are likely to believe, mistakenly, that the goods and services Applicant [EA] offers under Applicant’s Mark are provided, sponsored, endorsed, or approved by Opposers [Ubisoft], or are in some way affiliated, connected, or associated with Opposers," reads the official documents, republished via Neogaf.

Electronic Arts has until March 9 to respond.

Who will win in this thrilling trademark battle? The lawyers, obviously.

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