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The new Beyond Good and Evil won't be a sequel according to rumours

Plus a few more tidbits on the title.

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Beyond Good and Evil 2 is something we've been anticipating for years. The original was bloody brilliant and despite news of a sequel floating around for ages, nothing ever materialised.

But finally we got some good news. Yves Guillemot confirmed that a new Beyond Good and Evil game was indeed in the works during an interview at E3, and since then, Michel Ancel has been teasing us with artwork on Instagram alluding to the new title.

However, LetsPlayVideoGames reportedly has a source who has confirmed that the Beyond Good and Evil game being worked on is more of a reboot than a sequel.

"According to our source, the currently planned direction for the game is that it will partially retell Jade’s origin tale from Beyond Good & Evil, flesh out Peyj’s backstory, then continue to extrapolate on the ending of the original game.

"The intention is that players who have not played the original will be able to jump into the new game, which will feature a subtitle rather than a number at the end of its title, and understand both who Jade is and what drives Pey’j. It also seeks to provide closure to fans of the original wondering what the cliffhanger at the end meant for the series’ ongoing plot."

And that's not all they've found out. The game is set to be an NX exclusive with a 2018 release.

"Additionally, we have learned from a separate source that there are plans for a new CG trailer for the game to be shown alongside the NX reveal. Much like the 2008 trailer, this is planned to be a tone piece rather than a plot or gameplay reveal, and will be used to announce its NX exclusivity. The game is currently aiming for a Summer 2018 release window, according to sources at Ubisoft."

All rumours should be taken with a pinch of salt, but LetsPlayVideoGames have been on the money before so there could actually be something to this.

Did you play the original, and does this sound as satisfying as a sequel? Chime in below.

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