The Division 2: where to find all Hyena Comms locations
Looking for more collectables in The Division 2? Then check out where to find all of the Hyena Comms.
For the completionists amongst you, we've ferreted out the locations of them so you can mindlessly shoot things without having to search high and low in-between bouts of casual murder/self-defence.
There are 10 Hyena Comms to collect in the game, and here are the ones we've found so far.
White House
#1 - Pinata Party
Get yourself to the intersection of Alexander Hamilton Pl NW, 15th St NW, and Pennsylvania Avenue NW. Looking to the east, you'll see a school bus sitting on the border to Downtown East. To its left is a hot dog stand. The Comms is on the ground next to it.

Downtown East
#2 - Runners
At the intersection of 13th St NW and F St NW, head west towards the scaffolding. Climb up onto it via the red shipping container and you'll find the Comms up here.

#3 - Missing Prisoners
This one isn't far from the intersection of F St NW and 11th St NW. Just walk east along F St NW towards the HxC store, which is the first building on the left. The Comms is on the floor directly in front of the shop.

Federal Triangle
#4 - First Council Meeting
You can grab this one inside the Navy Plaza Control Point at the intersection of D St NW and 8th St NW. Once you've taken over, head into the door on the east side of the fountain. The Comms is on the floor in the corridor.

You can check out our guide on how to level up to level 30 quickly here, as well as our guides on the best perks and what skills you can choose.
The Division 2 is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.