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The Division 2 Clan system lets you create and manage your own group of Agents

The Division 2 will allow you to join a Clan, and a recent developer post explained how it works.

Clans in The Division 2 are sort of like guilds, in that you can create and manage your own group of Agents. You can also recruit others to join your own exclusive club.

Each Clan will allow up to 50 accounts with up to four characters each, which means you will have plenty of like-minded folks to play with you in The Division 2.

Creating one is easy, and is unlocked early in-game during the story progression. Anyone who has unlocked the feature can create their own, but to start progressing a clan, a total of four members is required.

With so many members, it may sound as though it would be a bit troubling to keep up with the goings on. Thankfully, the feature includes a feed specific to your clan that's keeps members up-to-date with activity and progression. They can also leave messages on the feed and the clan leader can also pin messages in order to coordinate events.

In addition, each clan will have access to two voice channels for up to 25 members each.

Below you will find information on anything and everything involving clans known at present, straight from Ubisoft.

The Division 2 - Clan System

How to Join a Clan in The Division 2

When searching for a clan, a number of options will be available to help you find one that best suits your particular needs or playstyle.

  • Activities: The primary focus of the clan, PvE, PvP or both.
  • Most Active Times : The time of day the clan is the most active.
  • Atmosphere: The general atmosphere of the clan. This will indicate whether a particular group is relaxed and easy-going clan, focused on certain aspects, or a highly competitive PvP clan.
  • Mic Requirement:  If the clan requires a microphone to be able to join.
  • Language: The primary spoken language of the clan.
  • Region: The geographical location of the clan members.

Creating and Managing a Clan in The Division 2

When creating a clan, you will start off with designing an insignia. There will be various options to choose ranging from icons, a background and border types to create your own unique design.

Once you have created an insignia, it's time to give your group a name. A clan name can be between 4 to 15 letters long and the clan tag, which is visible to all players, consists of three capitalized letters. You can also write a presentation to introduce your clan to your players.

Each clan is also able to set a preferred privacy level which consists of the following:

  • Open – Searchable and open for all players.
  • Invite Only – Searchable but requires an application to be sent and reviewed by clan leadership.
  • Private – A private clan is not searchable and can only be joined through an invite sent by the clan's leadership.

Clan membership is also organized into four ranks, which will help tremendously with organisation and structure:

  • Commander – The leader of the clan which has access to all administrative functions of the clan.
  • Lieutenant – The officer rank, which will be able to send out invites, review applications, promote and demote members as well as moderate the clan feed.
  • Agent – The established clan member able to invite potential recruits to the clan.
  • Recruit – The recruit is a new member of the clan with limited access to administrative clan functionality.

When reviewing applications as a Commander or Lieutenant, you will be able to inspect the applicant's characters and have a look at their gear.

Clan Progression in The Division 2

All in-game actions taken by members which provide experience points will also yield Clan XP (CXP). Earning experience will help your clan level, which in turn provides additional benefits for each level the clan reaches up to level 30. CXO will also unlock additional customization options for the insignia, showcasing your clan's veterancy.

Clans will also work together toward common goals such as weekly projects and a clan cache which can be upgraded. Both will rewards members upon  completion. The weekly clan cache requires a weekly CXP goal to be reached with additional stretch goals.

There are three tiers of reward: bronze, silver and gold. Reaching bronze unlocks guaranteed rewards, while reaching silver and gold will further improve the week's rewards.

Clan projects are weekly tasks and will boost your CXP upon completion, and each focuses on a particular aspect of the game. Should your clan complete all weekly projects, it will receive an additional, large amount of CXP.

Clan Quarters in The Division 2

Ever dreamed what it would be like living in the White House? Well, dream no more, my loves: this is where your clan will hang out.

Over in the East Wing of the White House, your clan will have its own space to socialize and regroup. Here is where you will find all of the clan stash to collect your weekly rewards, look over the clan bounty board, and interact with the clan vendor once reaching clan level 2.

As part of the clan's level progression, the quality of items offered by the clan vendor will improve. Certain levels will also unlock the ability to purchase cosmetic headgear sporting your insignia. Neat.

The clan quarters is also where you'll be able to see your clan's three, weekly top CXP contributors. Nothing like giving your members a bit of recognition for their accomplishments, right?

Massive said there will be more to discover in the clan quarters, but they are keeping things secret until the game releases.

You can check out our guide on how to level up to level 30 quickly here, as well as our guides on the best perks and what skills you can choose.

The Division 2 is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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