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Team Fortress 2 will receive VR headset port, details coming at GDC 2013

San Francisco Game Developers Conference organisers have begun announcing some of this year's panels and exhibitions, shedding light on an interesting development from Valve. A pair of talks appear to focus on the building of head-mounted displays, with particular attention on a free-to-play virtual reality port of Team Fortress 2.

Valve programmer Joe Ludwig will be on hand to discuss the efforts of various Valve employees. According to the aforementioned listing, these efforts include the exploration of "what stereo support entails, rendering 2D user interface in a 90 degree field of view display, dealing with view models and other rendering shortcuts, and how mouselook can interact with head tracking in a first person shooter."

Michael Abrash will also discuss the difficulties Valve face when implementing such tech, and how this might be overcome.

Be sure to check out the GDC 2013's official Schedule Builder for more information on all talks taking place.

Thanks to Polygon for the heads up.

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