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Meet the Supersoldiers in Prototype 2

Activision has sent over a set of artwork depicting the Supersoldiers which were created during the process of the Project D-Code experiment.

Around 161 individuals were injected with a strain of the DX-1120 virus and while the result was a non-threatening, altered human, over time they began to gain incredible strength, size, speed and endurance. Thus, they turned into Supersoldiers.

These fellas are lethal fighters and use extensive force to thrust their will up enemies, and they can leap and climb over walls. They are also able to see if anyone is infected with the Blacklight virus; look out Sgt James Heller - they're coming for you.

Check out the artwork below.

Prototype 2 releases in the US on April 24 and in Europe on April 26 for PS3 and Xbox 360. The PC version will be released July 24.

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