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Super Smash Bros Ultimate's next character, The Hero, is getting an in-depth video and a release date tomorrow

Hero might not be the Super Smash Bros Ultimate character we're most excited about, but we're still keen to know more about him.

The Hero, a character who can be skinned as one of at least four figures from the Dragon Quest series, is not as exciting as, say, Banjo-Kazooie. But with the character due to hit the game's fighters pass relatively soon, we're glad to hear that Nintendo will be unveiling more information about it tomorrow.

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Nintendo has teased a 22 minute video, hosted by the game's director Masahiro Sakurai, that will delve deep into The Hero. Presumably by the end we'll know all the ins-and-outs of what makes this character unique, what their moveset is, and when we'll be able to play as them.

It's worth noting that Dragon Quest spirits were also recently added to the game's database, and that it's not uncommon for Nintendo to drop a video like this and then release the content within the same day or week.

It's worth remembering that Dragon Quest 11 is also coming to Switch this September.

Once Hero's out, of course, we can focus all of our energy on speculating on the final two Smash Bros DLC characters...

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