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Star Wars: Squadrons Promises Support for Joysticks and HOTAS Rigs on PC

So, add $40 to the cost of a new PC, a VR headset, and a high-end controller…

This article first appeared on USgamer, a partner publication of VG247. Some content, such as this article, has been migrated to VG247 for posterity after USgamer's closure - but it has not been edited or further vetted by the VG247 team.

Space sim fans, rejoice: while it's still too early to tell if EA Motive's Star Wars: Squadrons is going to be a worthy successor to Star Wars' lineage of classic fighter piloting games, it's being made with a hardcore audience in mind. In addition to working with virtual reality on PC and PS4, EA says that Squadrons will support joysticks and HOTAS (two-gripped Hands On Joystick And Throttle) controllers on PC.

Yesterday, after the premiere of Star Wars: Squadrons cinematic reveal trailer, Creative Director Ian S. Frazier wasn't sure of what he could say about the controller support in Squadrons, but that was cleared up later in the evening:

Well hey, double checked and apparently I AM allowed to tell you that without being tackled by PR! Yes, we fully support joystick on PC, including full HOTAS rigs with a throttle. :)

It's worth noting that Frazier was asked about PC support for alternate controls and answered in kind. There are joysticks and HOTAS controllers available for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 that could, in theory, be supported for Squadrons as well. An official EA support page for Star Wars: Squadrons also promises joystick and HOTAS support without specifying platforms, but adds that there will be "more details on supported sticks as we get closer to launch."

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Details on Squadrons came in so hot yesterday that even peripheral manufacturer Thrustmaster was eager for more info. Begging for HOTAS support in a Star Wars game by calling it "a dream come true" for space sim fans, Thrustmaster was quick to clip out a bit from the cinematic trailer that conspicuously showed off a joystick and throttle in an X-Wing's cockpit.

It may not be long before we get our first look at what this support looks like in-action with Star Wars: Squadrons. Motive's single-player and multiplayer dog-fighter will have a gameplay world premiere later this week at EA Play Live on Thursday, June 18.

Star Wars: Squadrons is set to launch for PC, PS4, and Xbox One on October 2. It's set to feature cross-play across all platforms, will launch across Origin, Steam, and the Epic Games Store simultaneously, and will retail for $39.99. Perhaps it's worth reigning in hopes and dreams since this is a less-than-full-price game, but that bit of money saved could also go toward buying a joystick or HOTAS set-up to prepare for it.

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