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Star Trek features two new Vulcan characters

Much has been made of the fact that Star Trek's actors volunteered their services for the upcoming Digital Extremes game, but the stand-alone adventure also introduces two brand-new characters.

Namco Bandai wrote to tell us that the game opens with Kirk and Spock being called to rescue a mysterious space station. The space station's captain is a female Vulcan names T'Mar, a childhood friend of Spock's.

"Her blend of incredible intelligence and unexpected beauty prove intriguing to Kirk," executive producer Brian Miller said,

T'Mar hitches her wagon up with Kirk and Spock, apparently playing a "prominent role" in the story, as they travel to New Vulcan, the planet inhabited by the Vulcan people following the destruction of their homeworld. Here they meet the second new character, a Vulcan leader named Surok with ties to both the other members of his species onboard the Enterprise.

"When we crafted this story we wanted to make sure the player realizes that the usually logical, Spock can have very emotional connections to the ones he cares about. Surok was one of Spock’s childhood mentors and is also T’Mar’s father. Together, they are helping to lead the colonization of New Vulcan," Miller said,

Surok survived the attack of the Gorn on New Vulcan, and as the game progresses, understanding and putting an end to the Gorn incursion becomes the player's primary mission - especially when Kirk and Spock discover the Gorn have got hold of something belonging to the Vulcans, called the Helios Device.

Here's a couple of pictures of Surok and T'Mar. Star Trek arrives on PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on April 23 in North American and April 26 in Europe.

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