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SSX: Deadly Descents is "Burnout on snow" - new details

The latest issue of OXM is carrying new info of SSX: Deadly Descents, which was first announced in December.

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Debut teaser trailer from last year's VGAs.

Some of the few details dropped included:

  • "Sequel is said to feature "great characters, great tricks, great environments, awesome speeds, great music, tight controls, and totally ridiculous gameplay."
  • Like SSX games from the past, Deadly Descents will include short and longcuts.
  • One of the game's taglines is "Race It, Trick It, Survive It," with one main goal being getting off the mountain alive.
  • EA also gave examples of how survival challenges work in Deadly Descents, such as outracing avalanches, avoiding potentially fatal freezing "shady" areas and "getting through the Himalayas' oxygen-barren 'death zone' before you black out."
  • The mag also seemed to hint the dev team at EA Canada is looking to implement a social system similar to Need for Speed's Autolog, saying the devs were impressed with how it was added into Criterion's Hot Pursuit.
  • It'll also be more approachable than Shaun White Snowboarding and 360-exclusive title Stoked.
  • The dev team was keen to point out that, despite previous rumours, the Skate team aren't working on Deadly Descents. However, creative director Todd Batty was keen to compare the game to another EA title, saying it is "Burnout on snow".

No date has been given yet for Deadly Descents other than "next winter", but it'll release on PS3 and 360.

Thanks, SticksSkills.

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