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Sony: No Man's Sky "treated like a first-party release"

PlayStation UK's Fergal Gara has confirmed that indie title No Man's Sky will have the full weight of PlayStation behind it.


Talking to MCV, Gara went on to say that No Man's Sky will be treated "as if it was from one of our internal studios", citing a close working relationship with the devs and a smooth integration into their release programme.

He believes that a number of indie titles on the platform have the potential to break free from the confines of what we would normally expect from such games, and that they could expand from digital releases to physical products.

Talking about No Man's Sky to demonstrate the level of commitment to promising indie titles, Gara said "we are going to put the full weight of PlayStation behind it. If it all comes together as well as expected, it will be treated like a first-party release; it is not a self-published small indie title on the platform.”

No Man's Sky is slated to hit PS4 sometime later this year. You can watch a gameplay trailer here and find out more about what you can get up to in the game here.

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