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Sony Ericsson makes Xperia Play reveal official

PlayStation Phone is finally official. Sony Ericsson chose the Superbowl as the ideal platform to debut the leaked Xperia Play advertisement.

It also coincided with confirmation of a Mobile World Congress reveal. About time.

At almost exactly the same moment US viewers were exposed to the infamous Android surgery ad, the official Sony Ericsson Facebook page updated with an image of the Play and "date of the official announcement" - February 13, at 6:00 PM GMT.

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The leaked trailer shown during the Superbowl.

That's bang up to the previously-rumoured Mobile World Congress reveal in Barcelona. You can probably expect carrier details and a date at this weekend's unveil.

The device was first shown in a prototype form last October. Since then, countless blowouts on the phone has been posted online.

At CES, PlayStation boss Kaz Hirai's broad hints on the phone foreshadowed Sony's PlayStation Suite reveal, with tech site Engadget having a model for almost two weeks, even going as far as posting a demonstration video.

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