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Someone finished Nioh in 96 mins, hats off to this new world record holder

Nioh is tough, but some people are just tougher.

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A new Nioh speedrun record has been established.

Twitch streamer Distortion2 made an all main missions Nioh run in 1:36:51, a feat he describes as "a decent run".

He died about six times during the attempt, so he believes he can shave the time down to below 90 mins. Nioh has pretty quick respawn times, thankfully. You can watch the full run via the YouTube embed above.

It's kind of funny how for some of us Nioh is much tougher than Souls games, but for others it seems to be a walk in the park. Team Ninja's action legacy means there's less opportunity to over-level or cheese your way through encounters, but some people really thrive on that nerve-edge of precise action gaming - like this person who just walks all over one of Dark Souls 3's toughest bosses.

Those of us who can't do that and prefer to leverage RPG systems will find Nioh tougher than Souls. Nioh is slightly less forgiving in that you can't co-op your way through it, too. Alas!

How are you finding Nioh's difficulty? Do you think you could knock it over in an hour and a half once you knew your way around and how to defeat each major boss?

Thanks, Joab!

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