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Side Effect could be the successor to Allison Road

Side Effect is looking to bring the spoopy back.

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Side Effect could be the successor to Allison Road

Side Effect is described as a "Horror Experience Simulator," with events playing out as the consequences of your actions and choices in the game.

It's less Japanese psychological horror, and more Saw judging by the description of some of the moral choices on the webite.

"The room is filling with toxic gas!" reads the description of one of the possible scenarios you might find yourself in. "The key is right in front of you! … inside the stomach of a woman tied to a nearby stretcher. You could use those medical supplies and save yourself or maybe you’re better than that. Remember that all your actions have consecuences[sic]."

Your role is that of a 32-year old gentleman living with his wife and child. One bop on the head and kidnap later, you wake up in an unknown location and the crazy swiftly kicks in. The objective is keep it at bay by digging keys out of people's bellies, or performing oddly specific tasks, like threading a needle in under five seconds.

Side Effect will be coming to Kickstarter, so if you like what you see and would like to offer your support, keep an eye on the games' Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Side Effect is being developed for PC and Mac.

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