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Allison Road cancellation statement leaves us with more questions than answers

P.T. inspired horror game Allison Road seems to have succumbed to the curse of Silent Hills.


Allison Road cancellation statement leaves us with more questions than answers

Earlier this month developer Lilith Ltd suddenly announced the cancellation of anticipated horror title Allison Road.

We were promised more details within the next few days and fully expected publisher Team17 to cough up the goods. To our surprise the British team kept silent, and it seems to have fallen to Lilith to attempt to offer some sort of explanation to its suddenly angry fanbase.

"After a long consideration between Team17 and ourselves, we have reached a mutual agreement to end our collaboration on publishing Allison Road under Team17’s Games label," the developer said.

"Sometime[s] things pan out differently than expected as game development and publishing have so many layers of complexity... We’d like to especially thank everyone for their support through-out, it has and will always be appreciated."

Those who have followed the project from its earliest days are asking a lot of questions such as "why not go back to Kiskstarter?", whence Team17 plucked the project mid-campaign, and "do you still have the rights?"

Unfortunately there are no answers; there have been no official replies or further posts. It's all very mysterious, so we've written off to Team17 to see if adding our voice to the entreaty unclamps its lips at last.

I won't be terribly surprised if what we get in return is a blood-smeared piece of paper with a string of garbled numbers eventually decoded into a URL pointing to a website that causes monitors to explode and ghosts to pour out of speakers. It's the curse, innit.


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