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Shigeru Miyamoto's BAFTA acceptance speech


Shigeru Miyamoto took the stage at the BAFTA awards tonight to accept the Fellowship Award.

In his acceptance speech, he said that he was not only honored, and appreciative of the award, but proud of the games industry itself.

Here is our rough transcription of his speech:

"It is a great honor to receive this award and I would liek to thank BAFTA for this great honor.

When I get an ward like this two things come to mind that, One, that I am getting older. I made first game when I was 27 years old, and looking in the faces of people in front of me tonight, reminds me that I am getting very old. But secondly, I am humbled because I can't do this by myself.

I am embarrassed to receive such an award, so I am taking it for everyone who has worked with me in the last few years and I thank them for all their hard work.

I have been in the industry now, for over 20 years. I am grateful Nintendo took me in off the street. The industry has changed dramatically since I started my career at Nintendo. Back then there was no such thing as videogames at the company, but I wanted to make something that could surprise and entertain people. I was lucky to get a job that involved making videogames from the dawn of the industry.

The first game I was involved in developing was Donkey Kong. It was one of the first games created by artists and game designers and due to its popularity, designers got a larger role in creating videogames.

The most important thing today, though, is to make them fun.

I am often asked what inspired me as a child. I loved playing outside and looking at the natural world around me and even today it inspires my imagination. For example, playing with my dogs gave me inspiration for Nintendogs. My staff and I are always trying to develop something that is unique.

To create a new standard, you have to be up for new challenges. That's why I have become even more conscious in how people play with videogames rather than the content I develop for them.

When I was working on Super Mario Bros. Wii, I imagined how people would play and how people could enjoy it together, which had been my dream sine the first Mario game was made 25 years ago.

So instead of focusing on content, I am more interested in atmosphere where player can interact with each other. Our imagination and creativity takes us to countless fascinating places were we hope to make new experiences for people of all ages

This I call a recipe for joy.

Thank you for this great honor, and than you to my colleges at Nintendo and developers all over the world for making this journey possible

I hope the videogame industry continues to develop with both entertainment and character".

The list of BAFTA winners from tonight can be found through here.

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