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Ryse: Son of Rome could spawn sequel, not meant to be a 'one-off', suggests Yerli

Ryse: Son of Rome was shown running on Xbox One for the first time during Microsoft's E3 conference, and although it's still early days, Crytek boss Cevat Yerli has suggested that the game was never conceived as a one-off title.

Speaking with Polygon, Yerli offered a scant insight into the Ryse road-map. "The title's not supposed to be a one-off," he said, suggesting that sequel plans could already be in the back of his mind.

Yerli also discussed the studios protracted development of Ryse, and stressed that the game will be a challenge until it hits stores. "Ryse was a challenge, and is still a challenge," he said. "It's going to be a challenge until it's in the shops. ... When at times certain things didn't happen as I wanted them to happen, I never thought, 'OK, let's put it in stop.' But I had my doubts that we could pull it off in the kind of quality I'm looking at."

Many have disputed the game's quality from a control perspective already, suggesting that it's a QTE fest with little to offer otherwise. Crytek countered by saying that the game's prompts are extremely satisfying if you master them.

Pat saw Ryse at E3 and to the contrary, suggested it was violent, action-filled and rather impressive. Check out his interview with Crytek here.

What do you think of the game so far?

Thanks Units.

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