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Rumor: Robot Entertainment may show "Spartan" title at gamescom


Robot Entertainment is heading to gamescom, meaning it may just show off Project S (Spartan) during Microsoft's press conference.

What's gotten the Internets all in a tizzy, is and announcement over on the developer's official website.

Here's an excerpt from the post written by community manager Justin "SixOkay" Korthof, courtesy of BigDownload:

What a busy week it’s been. I’ve spent the last several days getting all my ducks in a row for our little trip to GamesCom next week. But finally, I’m all packed and ready, as are a few other bots here. I’m bringing a little bit of swag with me, too. Did you see the new shirts we got earlier this week? I’ll be bringing a handful of the black ones with me to Germany, so if you’re at the show and want a shirt, you’ll have to keep a look-out for me (hint: I’ll be wearing a Robot shirt and bright red shoes)!

If you can’t make it out to GamesCom, don’t worry. I’ll be tweeting from the event the whole week, with text and image updates.

When asked by a fan on the dev's official Facebook page if "Game 1.0" will be shown at gamescon or not, the reply was: "You'll have to wait and see."

Formed by ex-Ensemble studios members, Robot has been working on what it calls “Game 1″ for Microsoft Game Studios for quite some time, and this piece of art was leaked during Alpha, showing a Spartan solider.

Pat and Johnny will be in the audience at the MS press event next week. Hopefully something will be mentioned.

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