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APB beta testers invited back for relaunch testing

apb beta invite

Closed Beta invitations for GamersFirst's relaunch of APB: Reloaded have been sent out, but don't go frantically refreshing your inbox just yet: invites are currently restricted to those who participated in testing the game's first incarnation.

Three invitees told Kotaku they'd been asked to reprise their testing role for the an upcoming closed beta of the relaunch.

And to add wood to the fire, our own Johnny's gotten an invite as well, as seen above.

The invite requests players sign up to the new network and promises to provide information on how to retrieve character information.

Email reads:

"You're one of the first to be invited to sign up for the Closed Beta launch of APB: Reloaded! Sign up today for your chance to be a Closed Beta tester. Remember, if you don't sign up, you won't have the chance to be one of the first to take back the mean streets of San Paro.

When you sign up, we'll make sure you receive the latest APB news, including information about restoring your old character.

See you in-game,

The APB: Reloaded Team"

That players would be able to restore their old characters was revealed last week; GamersFirst recently confirmed they have plans to expand APB's reach.

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