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PUBG Mobile hits 200 million downloads

PUBG Mobile's player base rivals Fortnite's and then some.

Update: Looks like this is waaay off. Reviewing the PR ourselves, PUBG Mobile has enjoyed 200 million downloads, which doesn't include figures for China. The total player base has not been disclosed in the press release, but it has reached 30 million daily active users.

Thanks for the heads up Gadets 360! The outlet also reported that PUBG Mobile's iOS revenue recently surpassed that of Fortnite Mobile by 43 percent.

Original story: According to PUBG developer Bluehole, the game's mobile version has just as many players as Fortnite, if not more. Speaking to The Verge, the company stated that PUBG Mobile has over 200 million users, and 30 million daily active users - the same number of daily active users as Fortnite.

Last month Fortnite reached 200 million registered users worldwide, and while that number may have gone up in the interim, it's worth noting that the stats for PUBG don't include numbers for China, or the 50 million plus copies of the game sold on PC and console.

Mobile versions for both PUBG and Fortnite had their Western launch at around the same time, but Fortnite was the clear winner in terms of revenue, making five times as much as PUBG Mobile in its first week on iOS. Players spent $3.7 million on in-app purchases, compared to just $700,000 for PUBG Mobile.

PUBG Mobile didn't do too badly in the first few months post-launch with 100 million downloads and 14 million daily players between its March 19 release and August, 2018.

We pitted the two mobile titles against one another - because why not? - and ruled in favour of PUBG Mobile. So if you think otherwise, you're wrong. Want to fight about it? Head to the comments on the matchup.

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