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Prototype 2 "completely different" to inFamous

Radical Entertainment isn't fazed by comparisons to inFamous and its imminent sequel, nor by mixed reactions to the first game.

"The first InFamous was really cool and the second one seems to be shaping up really well," design director Matt Armstrong told Eurogamer.

"But we offer something completely different and there's space in the market for both games".

Prototype 2 also differs from its precursor, with Radical playing close attention to reviews and player feedback - and seemingly agreeing with it.

"The things reviewers saw were the same things we saw," Armstrong said, giving the game's difficult plot as an example.

"We had a main character in Alex Mercer who wasn't always as aligned with his powers as we'd hoped," he said.

"We had a story that was very involved and convoluted and difficult to follow".

This time, things will be different.

"There's something very special about this game and this time around we're coming out with something that's a big expansion of all the things that were good about the first game, while simultaneously addressing all the things we were never really happy about," Armstrong added.

Prototype 2 is due on PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in 2012. Check out a trailer of new anti-hero James Heller in action.

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