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PlayStation Store returns worldwide with massive update

The PlayStation Store has started returning worldwide, Sony has announced this morning, with an enormous content-publish going live to welcome its return.

The EU PS Blog hasn't gone up with the news yet, but the US Blog has the massive list of content you can get now.

Part of the update includes full games such as Sega Rally Online, Outland, Under Siege and Back to the Future: Episode 3, to name a few.

Demos of Red Faction: Armageddon and Motorstorm Apocalypse are now also available.

Fallout: New Vegas DLC Honest Hearts, Crysis 2 map pack Retaliation and tons of Rock Band songs and packs are part of the DLC update.

Content that forms part of the Welcome Back pack - such as free PS3 titles inFamous or LittleBigPlanet, or PSP games like Killzone Liberation - is not yet live, but is currently going through the final stages of testing.

The Video Store is also back up, albeit going through teething troubles. But its return now means you can finally buy Disney's Tron Legacy, which launched the week PSN went down.

The next store update after today, for both PS Plus and standard users, is scheduled for tomorrow.

Sony promised full restoration for PS Store by the end of the week on Tuesday.

The PlayStation Store went down with PlayStation Network on April 19 due to an external hack. The company confirmed that personal data was compromised in the attack, but there was no evidence to suggest that credit card details were also taken.

PSN partially returned last month in most regions bar some countries in Asia, including Japan. The service only returned in Asian countries last weekend, but will not get the Store today.

Sony says the non-return in Japan is due to complying with instructions on information security from the Japanese government.

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