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Pier Solar HD Kickstarter funded, new stretch goals include Wii U version

Pier Solar's Kickstarter has met its funding goal with six days to go, prompting indie developer WaterMelon to update the HD edition of the game's page with new stretch goals and a video.

Here's a list of the new stretch goals:

  • 145k - Japanese Translation: Pier Solar HD now translated in Japanese, on every single platform.
  • 150k - Dreamcast Extras: 16x9 Widescreen support, VMU integration, VGA support: We are sweetening up the Dreamcast version with everything we can think of. VGA will look stunning, and with 16x9 support it will be the perfect match. We aren't leaving out anything and thats why your VMU will be integrated with Pier Solar.
  • 160k - Pier Solar HD Directors Cut: We are going to add in tons of stuff we left out of the final version of Pier Solar due to technical limitations on the original SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis cartridge. We're talking tons of new sidequests, mini games, and never-before-heard songs.
  • 10+ new sidequests.
  • 4+ new minigames with 2-4 player action.
  • New battle features.
  • 175k - Pier Solar HD for Android & OUYA: Pier Solar HD for Android devices and the OUYA.
  • 200k - Pier Solar HD for Wii U: Pier Solar HD for the Nintendo Wii U.

Pier Solar and the Great Architects was originally slated for PC, Mac, Linux, Dreamcast and Xbox 360 and 1,963 backers have pledged $142,553.

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