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Party with BioWare to celebrate Dragon Age: Inquisition GoTY

It's a big day for Dragon Age: Inquisition.


Several exciting things are happening related to Dragon Age: Inquisition this week.

First, the Game of the Year edition is out today on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. It bundles together the core game and all DLC to date - at least one of which is pretty important for closure and building into the next series entry - so if you're yet to get on board you can save a bit bu buying in now.

Second, a new patch is out with a number of fixes mostly related to the Trespasser DLC. Grab it now; patch notes are on the BioWare Blog.

Third, BioWare has invited fans in New York to come along and party with the team. If you're over 21 and can get to Greenwich Village on October 20, BioWare will buy you a drink - literally - and invite you to take part in trivia, have your photo taken with friends in a special booth, and meet and greet dev team members.

I am quite, quite envious of all those who can make it. More details are available on the BioWare Blog.

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