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Nintendo - 26 million Wii, 30 million DS to be sold in FY10


Nintendo has predicted that 26 million Wii consoles will be sold in the current fiscal year, the period ending March 2010.

The Kyoto firm said 220 million software units would shift for the machine in the period.

DS is to perform even better on the console side, said the company, moving a predicted 30 million units in the year.

Software sales for the handheld will likely total 180 million pieces, said Nintendo.

If correct, this would mean Wii will continue to sell as enthusiastically as it has in the passed year. Almost 26 million Wii systems were sold in the 12 months ending March, bringing lifetime totals past 50 million.

More than 31 million DS sales in the year brought the machine over the 100 million unit mark.

Nintendo announced full-year results today.

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