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Muzyka: Kinect to 'personalise' and 'customise' Mass Effect experience

BioWare's Ray Muzyka has commented on Mass Effect 3's Kinect features, which he believes augment the experience without detracting from the franchise's strengths.

"The Mass Effect franchise has always been about intense action and choice with consequence … The Kinect experience we're bringing to bear in Mass Effect 3 augments that experience," Muzyka said in an episode of BioWare Pulse.

"... It feels very personalised, very customised. The experience is different - and yet you have the controller in your hands at the same time. Any time you choose to use the controller you can do so. There's no gesturing. … it's all very seamless."

During the Microsoft E3 press conference, BioWare debuted voice commands in Mass Effect 3 via Kinect, both for controlling squad members and making dialogue choices.

See the full episode of Pulse below.

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