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Monster Hunter World armor: armor sets list and all armor skills guide

When you’re hunting huge beasties with giant claws and even bigger teeth, you’re going to need some serious protection to shield your squishy human body from dismemberment. To help out, here’s our round up of all the Monster Hunter World armor we’ve seen so far, along with every armor skill that we’ve encountered.

If you’re looking to take the fight to the monsters, we've got all the help you could possibly need - a good companion to this page is our guide to Monster Hunter World's weapons, and we've also got a general Monster Hunter World Guide for you to peruse, too.

Monster Hunter World armor sets - how to get new armor through forging, upgrading, armor list and more

Here’s the complete list of every armor set that you'll find via the Low Rank quests in Monster Hunter World. In the late game you'll unlock High Rank quests, and they come with them new armor. Each armor set is different, featuring its own unique stats, strengths, weaknesses and even armor skills (we'll touch on those further down this page), all of which serve to help change how your character plays fairly significantly.

Armor generally comes in five pieces - head, chest, waist, arms and legs - but not all armor sets contain all five pieces, so keep that in mind. Armor pieces can be mixed and matched across sets, of course.

Before we get into the list of Low Rank armor types in Monster Hunter World, let's first briefly touch on how you actually get new armor.


How to unlock New Armor and Upgrade Armor in Monster Hunter World through forging

In order to unlock a piece of armor to forge it, you'll first need to slay the monster associated with it and carve some materials off its corpse so you have the first materials that'll contribute towards you being able to create that new piece of armor. If you want the Pukei Armor, for instance, you'll want to go out and hunt a Pukei Pukei, kill it, and take some materials from its corpse. The next time you visit the blacksmith in Astera, your hub, that new armor will be available to craft.

Different armor will require different levels of material investment to craft, and higher-end armor will of course require more. That'll mean you'll need to drag yourself out into the world and to more hunts in order to grind out the necessary materials - but that's part of the charm of Monster Hunting. Every armor also looks different, so fashion should also be a consideration.

In terms of Upgrading Armor, it's done in much the same way - just head to the Blacksmith in Astera between missions. Upgrading Armor costs you Armor Spheres, a limited resource that drops when you complete missions but is really quite scarce. You'll want to be careful - save your armor spheres and only spend them on armor you've definitely decided that you want to use.

Low Rank Armor List for Monster Hunter World

Here's a list of all the Low Rank armors for Hunters in Monster Hunter World - and for a better idea of what these sets actually look like, there’s a video from Arekkz featuring many of them embedded above as well.

  • Leather Armor
  • Chainmail Armor
  • Hunter's Armor
  • Bone Armor
  • Vespoid Armor
  • Kestodon Armor
  • Gajau Armor
  • Jagras Armor
  • Kulu Armor
  • Alloy Armor
  • Pukei Armor
  • Barroth Armor
  • Jyura Armor
  • Kadachi Armor
  • High Metal Armor
  • Butterfly Armor
  • Shamos Armor
  • Hornetaur Armor
  • Anja Armor
  • Rathian Armor
  • Tzitzi Armor
  • Lumu Armor
  • Girros Armor
  • Baan Armor
  • Ingot Armor
  • Death Stench Armor
  • Brigade Armor
  • Legiana Armor
  • Odogaron Armor
  • Rathalos Armor
  • Diablos Armor
  • Kirin Armor
  • Diver Armor

High Rank Armor List for Monster Hunter World

This list covers the High Rank armor, unlocked later on in the game and a must for when you get into those really challenging late-game hunts. Where they're listed as Alpha/Beta, that means there's both an Alpha and a Beta version available, both unique.

  • Leather Alpha / Beta
  • Chainmail Alpha / Beta
  • Hunter's Alpha / Beta
  • Bone Alpha / Beta
  • Alloy Alpha / Beta
  • Butterfly Alpha / Beta
  • Vespoid Alpha / Beta
  • Hornetaur Alpha / Beta
  • Mosswine Mask Alpha
  • Kestodon Alpha / Beta
  • Gajau Alpha / Beta
  • Shamos Alpha / Beta
  • Jagras Alpha / Beta
  • Kulu Alpha / Beta
  • Tzitzi Alpha / Beta
  • Pukei Alpha / Beta
  • Barroth Alpha / Beta
  • Anja Alpha / Beta
  • Jyura Alpha / Beta
  • Kadachi Alpha / Beta
  • Lumu Alpha / Beta
  • Rathian Alpha / Beta
  • Rath Heart Alpha / Beta
  • Baan Alpha / Beta
  • Barnos Alpha / Beta
  • Dodogama Alpha / Beta
  • Zorah Alpha / Beta
  • High Metal Alpha / Beta
  • Ingot Alpha / Beta
  • Brigade Alpha / Beta
  • Faux Felyne Alpha
  • Strategist Alpha
  • Lavasioth Alpha / Beta
  • Legiana Alpha / Beta
  • Odogaron Alpha / Beta
  • Rathalos Alpha / Beta
  • Rath Soul Alpha / Beta
  • Diablos Alpha / Beta
  • Diablos Nero Alpha / Beta
  • Uragaan Alpha / Beta
  • Bazel Alpha / Beta
  • Damascus Alpha / Beta
  • Dober Alpha / Beta
  • Death Stench Alpha / Beta
  • Nergigante Alpha / Beta
  • Teostra Alpha / Beta
  • Kushala Alpha / Beta
  • Vaal Hazak Alpha / Beta
  • Kirin Alpha / Beta
  • Xeno'jiiva Alpha / Beta
  • Dragonking Alpha
  • Deviljho Alpha / Beta
  • Diver Alpha
  • Commission Alpha / Beta
  • Guild Cross Alpha / Beta

Monster Hunter World armor skills:

Armor skills in Monster Hunter World are powerful abilities that are part of your armor pieces, granting buffs to your character. There are tons in the game, and below is a complete list of all the ones we’ve seen so far. It won’t exhaustive of everything in the final version, but this’ll give you a good idea of the bonuses you can find.

  • Attack Boost - increases attack power, improves affinity at higher levels (7 levels)
  • Critical Eye - increases affinity (7 levels)
  • Affinity Sliding - sliding increases your affinity for a short time (1 level)
  • Water Attack - increases water element attack power (3 levels)
  • Fire Attack - increases fire element attack power (3 levels)
  • Thunder Attack - increases thunder element attack power (3 levels)
  • Ice Attack - increases ice element attack power (3 levels)
  • Poison Attack - increases the rate of poison build-up (3 levels)
  • Paraylsis Attack - increases the duration of paralysis (3 levels)
  • Artillery - strengthens explosive attacks like gunlance shells, Wyvern's Fire, charge blade phial attacks, and sticky ammo (3 levels)
  • Special Ammo Boost - increases the power of bowgun special ammo and Dragon Piercer (2 levels)
  • Defense boost - increases defense. Level up to improve resistances as well (7 levels)
  • Water Resistance - increases water resistance. Also improves defense at higher levels. (3 levels)
  • Thunder Resistance - increases thunder resistance. Also improves defense at higher levels. (3 levels)
  • Fire Resistance - increases fire resistance. Also improves defense at higher levels. (3 levels)
  • Ice Resistance - increases ice resistance. Also improves defense at higher levels. (3 levels)
  • Poison Resistance - grants protection against the effects of poison (3 levels)
  • Paralysis Resistance - reduces the duration of paralysis (3 levels)
  • Stun Restistance - reduces stun duration (3 levels)
  • Windproof - Grants protection against wind pressure (5 levels)
  • Muck Resistance - Reduces impairment to mobility while stuck in monster muck (1 level)
  • Evade Extender - increases evade distance (3 levels)
  • Evade Window - extends the invulnerability period when evading (5 levels)
  • Stealth - makes it easier for monsters to lose sight of you (3 levels)
  • Constitution - reduces stamina depletion when performing stamina-draining moves such as evading, etc (5 levels)
  • Marathon Runner - slows down stamina depletion for actions which continuously drain stamina (such as dashing) (1 level)
  • Stamina Thief - increases certain attacks' ability to exhaust monsters (1 level)
  • Hunger Resistance - reduces maximum stamina depletion over time (5 levels)
  • Master Gatherer - allows you to gather more quickly, and also prevents attacks from knocking you back while gathering (1 level)
  • Scoutfly Range Up - expands your scoutflies' detection range
  • Slinger Capacity - increases the loading capacity for slinger ammo obtained in the field
  • Scenthount - increases your scoutflies' gauge fill rate when you find tracks and other traces left by monsters
  • BBQ Master - increases your skill at cooking meat
  • Health Boost - increases health (3 levels)
  • Slugger - makes it easier to dizzy monsters
  • Horn Maestro - increases the effect duration of hunting horn melodies
  • Entomologist - decreases the chances of destroying the bodies of small insect monsters, allowing them to be carved
  • Quick Sheath - increases the speed of sheathing
  • Honey Hunter - increases the quantity of honey you receive when gathering in the field
  • Aquatic Expert - improves mobility in water
  • Speed Eating - increases meat-eating and item-consumption speed
  • Intimidator - reduces the chances small monsters will attack after spotting you
  • Palico Rally - powers up palicos
  • Fortify - increases your attack and defense every time you fall in battle, up to two times
  • Speed Crawler - increases your movement speed while crouching
  • Stamina Surge - speeds up stamina recovery
  • Pro Transporter - increases your speed while transporting items and decreases the likelihood of dropping them
  • Item Prolonger - extends the duration of some item effects
  • Speed Sharpening - speeds up weapon sharpening when you use a Wheatstone
  • Sporepuff Expert - recover health when using sporepuffs
  • Botanist - increases the quantity of herbs and other consumable items you gather
  • Guard - reduces knockbacks and stamina depletion when guarding
  • Focus - increases the fill rate for weapons with gauges and the charge rate for weapons with charge attacks
  • Jump Master - prevents attacks from knocking you back during a jump
  • Master Mounter - makes it easier to mount monsters
  • Cliffhanger - decreases stamina depletion when evading while clinging to walls or ivy
  • Recovery Up - increases the amount recovered when restoring health
  • Recovery Speed - speeds recovery from temporary damage (the red portion of the health gauge)
  • Adrenaline - Temporarily reduces stamina depletion when health is at 40% or lower

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