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Molyneux: "Ambition" is for day one Fable II co-op patch, better than game delay

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Speaking to VG247 yesterday, Lionhead boss Peter Molyneux said that it was his "ambition" to include online co-op in Fable II in a first day patch, and that everything was "going well" to achieve the goal.

"It is a very usual thing with anything to do with co-op and it relies upon the Live service," he said. "It gives us a tiny bit more time to polish it and make sure it's working right. Anything to do with Live is much more complex than single-player, so out ambition is to get it out on day one release patch.

"Now, I can't absolutely confirm that at the moment. It's all going well. It's looking like it should be spot on for that. It is down to a few minor little things, and we're pretty close."

Molyneux added: "This is purely me as a guessing man - remember, I haven't been in the office for quite some time - but it's all looking good to be a day one patch."

The developer said the situation with the feature was preferable to having the game slip.

"I'd much rather have done that than to have delayed the product, obviously," he said, saying patching in this way was a throwback to older PC development.

"This is kind of like a heritage from the PC days, of course, when you did always used to patch with a day one patch, and because you've got Live now you can do these things," he said.

And yep, we did ask him some of your questions. We'll put up his answers this week.

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