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Mighty No. 9's Inafune actually said "I own all the problems"

Apparently we can chalk up "better than nothing" to a less-than-ideal translation.


Mighty No. 9's Inafune actually said "I own all the problems"

Yesterday wasn't a great day for Mighty No. 9, which and an apparent statement from Keiji Inafune that it was "better than nothing". We say apparent because that comment was an embellishment from Inafune's translator - other translations of Inafune's statement are far more humble and take full ownership for Mighty No. 9's myriad problems.

According to transcripts on Eurogamer, a different picture emerges. "You know, I want to word this in a way to explain some of the issues that come with trying to make a game of this size on multiple platforms," Inafune says. "I'm kind of loath to say this because it's going to sound like an excuse and I don't want to make any excuses. I own all the problems that came with this game and if you want to hurl insults at me, it's totally my fault. I'm the key creator. I will own that responsibility."

Inafune continues by noting that developing Mighty No. 9 for ten platforms was an enormous amount of work which ultimately made the end product suffer. For now, Comcept is trying to address whatever problems it can, but it seems Inafune will largely have to take these lessons into account for his next game.

Mighty No. 9 is out now for PC, Mac, Linux, PS3, PS4, Vita, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U, and Nintendo 3DS.

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