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Retail listings suggest Mighty No. 9 has been delayed into 2016

It appears Mighty No. 9 has been delayed into 2016 - at least according to retail listings.

Both Amazon and GameStop have the game listed for PS4, Wii U and Xbox One for release on December 31, 2016.

The PC version is still listed as a September 15 release on Steam, as PC Gamer points out, the delay could just be for the console version.

Keiji Inafune's studio Comcept Kickstarted the title in 2013 and it garnered over $3.8 million in pledges. It was originally slated to be released in April before being delayed into September.

As of press time, multiple media outlets have reached out to both Deep Silver and Comcpet for comment on the matter, but a statement has yet to be received.

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