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Mass Effect 4 & Dragon Age 3 to share core mechanics, says BioWare

Mass Effect 4 and Dragon Age 3: Inquisition will share several common features under the hood, developer BioWare has confirmed. The first draft of Mass Effect 4's design document has also been completed.

There it is; Mass Effect 4 in design document form. Don't you wish you could just open it up and read it all cover-to-cover?

Well, BioWare Montreal studio director Yanick Roy followed up this teasing tweet by saying that the Mass Effect 4 team has pinched several systems from the Dragon Age 3 team:

So does this mean an open world, like Dragon Age 3's? What do you think?

BioWare is keeping coy about Mass Effect 4's innards for now, as it's clearly a long way off, but we do know that it won't star Shepard. In fact, BioWare told me last year that the hero won't just be 'Shepard 2' in terms of background and motivation. They will be a new character altogether.

What do you make of the above?

Thanks CVG.

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