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Mark Rein pours cold water on Reckoning sequel hopes

Despite wholesale hires of the Big Huge Games team, Epic doesn't look likely to back a sequel to Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.

"We don't buy IP, we make IP," Epic co-founder Mark Rein told Joystiq when asked if the developer would consider purchasing the Reckoning rights from the state of Rhode Island.

It doesn't seem impossible that a publisher might purchase the rights and cut a deal with the newly-birthed Epic Baltimore - or another developer - but Rein's comment does diminish hopes the follow-up - reportedly in pre-production before 38 Studios' meltdown - will see the light of day.

Rein also gave an account of how the decision to hire as much of the Big Huge Games team as possible came about, giuving all credit to company president Mike Capps.

"Mike is the total hero there. They called him on Wednesday, interested in using one of our IPs. He flew them up the next day and they met with a whole bunch of people, and the board of directors of Epic. We made the call right there: 'These guys are awesome, we need to work with them,'" Rein said.

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