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Lady Gaga to appear in Cyberpunk 2077 according to a French report

Lady Gaga paid a visit to CD Projekt Red recently to perform a motion capture session for Cyberpunk 2077, according to rumors out of France.

A new report claiming Lady Gaga will have a role in Cyberpunk 2077 has surfaced.

According to French website Actugaming, sources close to the matter state Mother Monster herself was recently spotted at CD Projekt Red. The source stated Gaga stopped by for a Cyberpunk 2077 motion capture session.

Whether the report is just a rumor or not remains to be seen, but consider it as one for the moment (thanks, reddit).

The rumor is a bit interesting considering CDPR replied to a tweet made by the songstress way back in 2012, as you can see for yourself.

Why the account waited six years to reply to her tweet is anyone's guess.

The tweet resurfacing today has added fuel to the rumor, with many of us wondering whether Gaga has an NPC role, created music for the game, or will just be part of the scenery.

CD Projekt Red will show off Cyberpunk 2077 again at E3 this year, and if Lady Gaga is indeed in the game, we're likely to hear about it at that time. Hopefully, we'll also get a release window.

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