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Kitase: "There might be some very superficial similarities" between Cloud and Lightning


Is Lightning the female version of Cloud? Is there more that meets the eye with the pair of them? Lets ask Final Fantasy XIII producer Yoshinori Kitase.

"There might be some very superficial similarities in that Cloud and Lightning are really cool and composed characters, and also they both have a military background. Those are the only two things that are really similar about them.

"Otherwise, if you really get to know Lightning, she has a totally different story. Once you play the game you'll find out more about her."

During the same interview at GamesCom, Kitase confirmed to us that they're aiming to have a minimum of three DVDs for the 360 version of FFXIII, which will sim-ship next spring in the US and Europe on PS3 and 360, according to him as well.

Final Fantasy XIII was dated for Japan tonight for December 17 for the PlayStation 3.

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