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inXile puts dungeon crawling into your co-op with Hunted: The Demon's Forge


inXile's at QuakeCon this weekend, showing off Hunted: The Demon's Forge, and studio's president Matt Lindely has said the goal with the cover-based action game, was to "bring back some of the dungeon crawl style gameplay that's been lost for a while".

Speaking with Gamespot, Lindely said a lot of games now and days are "shoot kill, shoot kill", and the development team wanted to add in some exploration to the co-op title, to give it something more than just "a bunch of arenas strung together".

While there are a lot of arenas, exploring the environments and talking to NPCs is highly encouraged.

The dark-style fantasy elements in the game are on display in the video interview, with clips of gameplay and some stills. At the beginning, it zooms in on the male hero, who looks like he split the back seem of his pants and had to stitch 'em up on the fly.

Maybe he used the dried entrails of one of his enemies. That would be awesome.

Hunted will be available on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC in Q1 2011, and will also be present at gamescom next week, should you be venturing to Cologne.

The game will also be on hand at the EG Expo in October.

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