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Humble EA Bundle has raised over $3 million so far

There's a new Humble Bundle in town, and it is sponsored by EA. But this is no THQ-esque cash grab; EA will be receiving not even a penny of the proceeds, opting instead to make this a charity drive of sorts.

UPDATE: At the time of writing, EA's bundle has generated
$3,055,238.81. If you head over to the bundle page you can see the number rocketing up in real-time. For reference, the most successful Humble Bundles ever were Humble Indie Bundle V with $5.1 million and Humble THQ Bundle with just a wee bit less than that. The EA bundle will clearly blow right by that this week.

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The bundle includes Dead Space 3, Dead Space 1 (no Dead Space 2), Mirror's Edge, Burnout Paradise Ultimate Box, Crysis 2 Maximum and Medal of Honor, and if you go above the average you will get Battlefield 3 and the Sims 3 with its three-expansion starter pack.

What's more is that in an unusual display of clarity they are offering Steam keys for all the games available on that platform in addition to Origin keys.

The bundle went live about 90 minutes ago, and has thus far raised more than $500k.

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