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Halo franchise has "potential" for micro-payment items - 343 Industries

Halo 4 developer 343 Industries feels that there could be space for micro-payment items in its shooter franchise. However, Dan Ayoub has stressed that nothing has been discussed on the matter yet.

Speaking with Digital Spy, Ayoub said, "I think Halo certainly has the potential for those kinds of things. We don't have too much to talk about in terms of our plans down that line, but it's certainly something ... we've seen the fans of Gears are enjoying, and if it's something we think our community is going to enjoy, it's something we'll seriously talk about."

On what's next on the Halo 4 DLC slate, Ayoub gave a thin but tantalising little nugget, "Obviously our commitment is always that we're going to make sure there's something for people to do on Halo, whether it's playlists, or new maps or new content, something like that. We can't say too much about the specifics we're planning, but what we can say is we don't take that commitment lightly, and people should keep their eyes open for cool stuff."

What's your take? Are you pro or anti-micro payment, or do you feel that they don't do any specific harm? Let us know below.

Thanks OXM.

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