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GTA Online player leaps to safety, but the universe has other plans

You know the drill because you have gone over the plan in GTA Online time and time again.

You rob the bank, you make your getaway on bike - easier to dodge and weave through traffic, and better to handle off-road terrain should the cops come.

When they do eventually chase your ass (and they always do, those boys in blue), it's time to ditch the bikes.

The best way to do that and keep out of the po-nine's clutches is to leap off a cliff. It looks suicidal but you ain't no fool. You're packing a chute to deploy at the last minute, Johnny Utah style, and float to safety.

It's a buzz, it's a thrilling end to a heist, and you have a few minutes of reflection as you drift to the Los Santos County desert floor, ready to bank that loot.

But even the best-laid plans of mice and men turn to s**t when you seemingly weigh more than the motorbike you road in on. Witness the tragedy below.

Really... from r/gtaonline

It's a harsh world.

If bikes are you thing in GTA Online, here's how to become president of a motorcycle club.

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