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Grid looks a lot like Grid in first gameplay trailer

We have our first look at the Grid reboot in new footage.

If it weren't for the updated UI, you'd be forgiven for thinking you're watching the original game. 2019 Grid obviously looks better than 2008 Grid, but nowhere near a ten-year leap.

The first ever gameplay is shown in IGN's video below. The footage mostly runs through a single San Francisco track with muscle cars before it switches it up for GT on another street circuit in Shanghai. Tight, enclosed street circuits is where the original Grid excelled, and it looks like the reboot won't be getting rid of that.

We sadly don't get a proper look at car damage, which Codemasters confirmed is returning. The original Grid remains unrivalled to this day for its destruction physics (on real cars), so it'll be interesting to see if it'll be taken quite that far in the reboot.

What the trailer actually shows fairly well is the new Racecraft scoring system, which tracks every move you make on the road and rewards you for it. We also get a brief look at the nemesis system, which makes AI cars target you if you bump into them too many times.

Watch on YouTube

Grid is out September 13 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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