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Project Godus shown in video, new Kickstarter add-ons

The first glimpse of Godus, the next game in the works at Peter Molyneux's 22cans, has been shown via the latest developer update video from the firm. Another video update is expected sometime tomorrow.

It's not much of a look, as its shown on a laptop screen, but the proof of concept shows a pixelated mountain or hill with a bunch of tiny followers milling around.

Molyneux called what was shown a "very, very early prototype" of the game, but it was working just enough for him to be able to demonstrate how to change the landscape.

During the demonstration, Molyneux opened up a whirlpool which sucked in most of the followers, basically killing them.

There's a bit more information in there as well such as how large the team is conceptualizing the population, and a bit on player powers.

Project Godus is being described by 22cans as an “innovative reinvention of Populous,” with “exciting global co-operation, competition, creation and destruction to a whole new generation.”

The team has also updated the add-ons available for backers, which allow them to pick and choose their own reward tiers.

Digital Add-Ons:

  • Digital Download Gift Pack. Receive an acorn that you can plant in your home-world, and over time a tree will grow. You will also get to reserve a name for your own clan and you'll get your own world flag for your Homeworld! +£7 (approximately $11)
  • Digital Soundtrack +£10 (approximately $16)
  • Extra GODUS beta access +£10 (approximately $16)

Physical Add-Ons (Requires the base pledge to be at the £5 tier or above)

  • 22cans tee-shirt +£16 (approximately $26)
  • GODUS tee-shirt +£16 (approximately $26)
  • Printed, exclusive GODUS artwork +£20 (approximately $32)

Instructions on how to add these new add-ons to your pledge are posted on the project's Kickstarter page.

You can back it on Kickstarter, which has 15 days left, here.

So far, 7,419 backers have pledged £206,251 towards the development goal of £450,000.

Watch on YouTube

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