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God of War director had some ideas about possible DLC, but they were too ambitious

God of War director Cory Barlog explained why God of War never received any DLC.

With a game as successful as God of War, you often expect content to continue rolling out months after the initial release. Being a single-player, story-based game, many assumed God of War would have one or two pieces of story DLC lined up.

Unfortunately, this may never happen, and it's down to the game director's ambitious plans for what it could be. Barlog recently appeared as a guest on Kinda Funny's GameOverGreggy Show, where they talked all things God of War. The question of DLC came up, of course, and Barlog answered.

"I had a really fun idea for a DLC that I only regret because I would love to have done that, but it was too ambitious," said Barlog.

It would have been so big in fact, it may have been spun off into its own game similar to Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, or even The Last of Us' Left Behind DLC.

"It would [have] ended up being its own thing," he added. "Rightfully so, everybody said, 'Dude, this is crazy, this isn't DLC, this is a little too big.'"

You can watch the full interview below:

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