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Gears of War 3 has "zero chance" of PS3 port, sports 90 minutes of cutscene

Outspoken designer Cliff Bleszinski has put his foot down on speculation the Gears of War series will ever come to PlayStation 3.

"I would say in the foreseeable future there’s zero chances of Gears of War being on the PlayStation 3," Bleszinski told IndustryGamers.

"Can we bury that now? Seriously. It’s like, we have a great deal with Microsoft, they’re a great partner..."

Reminded of comments from president Mike Capps to the effect that Epic wanted to make the console leap, Bleszinski was dismissive.

"It’s one of those things that would be exciting news," he said, before taking one of his famous jabs at the PS3's controller.

"Hopefully DualShock would get tweaked a little bit, but anyway, enough about that."

Gears of War 3 is due exclusively - got that? - on Xbox 360 in Septmber, and will feature one and a half hours of cutscene according to a BBFC listing.

Thanks, That VideoGame Blog.

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