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Funcom has turned Age of Conan around, says CEO


Funcom's CEO Trond Arne Aas has said that Age of Conan has been turned around by the company and because of this, players are returning and server activity has increased.

"The problems for Age of Conan arose after the game had been live for a period of time, as players progressed into parts of the game where content turned out to be too thin and advanced features simply weren't good enough," the CEO told "There were also performance issues on some machines, and the items and RPG system – even though it worked exactly as we designed it – did not engage players for as long as we had hoped for."

"We have turned most if not all of this around and we have corrected these issues through a series of massive updates. For us it was never an option to drop the game despite the challenges we faced.

"I can say that we have seen very positive trends in subscription longevity and server activity, and I think this is proof that we are turning around the fortune of Age of Conan."

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