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Fire Emblem Three Houses Dancer Class - The Best Dancer in Three Houses

Here's our guide on the Fire Emblem Three Houses Dancer class, covering the best Dancer in the game, and more.

There's a special class hidden in the first half of Fire Emblem Three Houses called the Dancer, which can give one of your students a unique ability. In our Fire Emblem Three Houses Dancer guide, we'll be walking you through everything there is to know about the Fire Emblem Three Houses Dancer class, including stat bonuses, abilities, and more.

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Fire Emblem Three Houses Dancer Class

There's only one chance to unlock the Dancer class in Fire Emblem Three Houses. While we'll be getting onto how to unlock the class further down, we'll first detail that the Dancer class can only be given to one of your students in the game. In the table below, we'll be detailing all the statistical bonuses that your student with the Dancer class can obtain. Firstly there's the individual stat bonuses for things like speed and health, and just below there's skill attribute bonuses.

  • +2 Sword
  • +2 Authority

Fire Emblem Three Houses Dancer Abilities

But what are the combat benefits to unlocking the Dancer class? The chief ability of the Dancer class is to pull off the 'Dance' move in combat, which allows an ally to move again on the same turn, even if they've already moved that turn.

On top of this, they also have the unique 'Sword Dance' Combat Art move. This Combat Art not only grants bonus damage based on the unit's Charm level, but also makes it way easier to dodge any counterattacks after using the ability.

Fire Emblem Three Houses Unlock Dancer Class

We mentioned at the top of this guide that you only have one opportunity to unlock the Dancer class in Fire Emblem Three Houses. The event that grants you the opportunity to unlock the Dancer class is called the White Heron Cup, and occurs during month 12 of the Ethereal Moon.

Firstly, you need to explore the Monastery on either 12/7 or 12/14, both of which are Sundays where you have the opportunity to explore the Monastery anyway. Go and speak to Rhea on the second floor of the Monastery, and she'll present you with the limited time quest related to the White Heron Cup.

The goal of the White Heron Cup quest is to enter one of your students into a dance competition, and have them win the competition to unlock the Dancer class. To win the competition, you need to select someone that has at least 13 points of Charm.

Fire Emblem Three Houses Best Dancer

So which characters stand the best chance of winning the Dance competition? Keep in mind that because of the support nature of the Dancer in combat, it's recommended that you don't send a frontlines warrior like Dedue or Byleth into the competition.

Instead, you should send in a character that has a naturally high Charm rating, that also plays a natural support role in combat. Below, we've highlighted some of our picks for the best characters for the Dancer class.

  • Flayn - Three Houses tries to force Flayn as a potential Dancer onto you, and she's definitely an excellent option. Because Flayn joins your class at a lower level, she's going to be standing far back in combat anyway, so she makes perfect sense for the Dancer class.
  • Dorothea - If you're playing with the Black Eagles (or have recruited Dorothea to another house), then Dorothea makes perfect sense. She has an incredibly high Charm rating from the start of the game, so you don't need to prepare too much before the competition.

But if you want to go with another character for the role of the Dancer in Fire Emblem Three Houses, you'll want to give them the best opportunity to win the White Heron Cup. If you, for example, were to instead pick someone like Edelgard for the Dancer class, you might want to boost her Charm rating as much as possible before the competition.

For this, go and speak to the character you chose to enter into the competition while exploring the Monastery. This opens up the option to train them with dance lessons, which boost their Charm rating by +5, while also not costing you a precious Activity Point. This is essential if you want someone with a lower Charm rating to enter the competition.

After this, the White Heron Cup falls on 12/16. When this occurs, you'll find out if your preparation has been worth it. If your chosen character can beat out the competition and win the White Heron Cup, then you'll have unlocked the Dancer class for the rest of your Fire Emblem Three Houses playthrough.

If it's more Three Houses content you're after, then USG has everything you could need for the adventure. You can head over to our various guides, including our Fire Emblem Three Houses weapons guide, our Fire Emblem Three Houses romance guide, or our Fire Emblem Three Houses recruitment guide. Alternatively, there's our full Fire Emblem Monastery guide, or our page on which house to choose in Fire Emblem Three Houses.

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