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Far Cry 5 is off to a great start on Steam

Early Steam player numbers for Far Cry 5 are the strongest of any recent Ubisoft release.

It's only been one day after the launch of Far Cry 5 and the game is already breaking records. On Steam, Far Cry 5's concurrent player numbers are really strong out of the gate.

The game peaked at a little over 78,000 concurrent players, and has about 50,000 players online at the time of writing.

This is enough to earn it a spot in Steam's top five most played games at this time. 78,000 may not sound all that siginficant compared to juggernauts like Dota 2, PUBG or even Ubisoft's own Rainbow Six Siege, but it's well beyond other big Ubisoft releases on PC.

The most recent Ubisoft hit on PC has been Ghost Recon: Wildlands, which peaked at 45,663 players at launch, a little under For Honor's 45,923 a month prior.

Assassin's Creed: Origins only managed 41,541 players as its absolute highest. Excluding The Division, which launched to a staggering 113,877 concurrent players, this is a new record for Ubisoft's single-player-focused games.

This is also a record for the Far Cry series on Steam, which peaked at 23,042 players at the launch of Far Cry 3. Every subsequent Far Cry game after that has had lower peak numbers, including Far Cry 4 and the Far Cry Primal.

These figures only account for the players who bought the game directly on Steam. Ubisoft PC game keys sold at third-party retailers, and the publisher's own store, are exclusively Uplay keys.

Meaning the actual numbers are likely well above what we see on Steam, just based on how many players typically buy Ubisoft games. It's possible to guesstimate how many copies the game sold on Steam using this data, but Steamspy usually takes a few days to be able to provide an accurate number.

Rainbow Six Siege is in a league of its own, but that's to be expected with a $15 Starter Edition, and several free weekends - all skewing the player counts. That's not to say this popularity is undeserved, just that it doesn't factor into this particular comparison.

For more on Far Cry 5, check out our guide on all Prestige weapons and vehicle skins, the best perks in the game, and how to trigger the cheeky secret alternate ending.

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