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Fallout 76 players under level 5 can't be killed in PvP and fast travel is in

If you’re worried about being splatted by a high-level player’s fat man launcher in Fallout 76, wipe those tears away. Players under level 5 can’t be killed in PvP.

PvP in Fallout 76 is optional, but you at least won’t be griefed by superpowered players when you start your adventure, thanks to this safeguard, revealed in an interview with

In the interview, Bethesda’s Todd Howard says this feature could change before release, of course. After all, what’s to stop people creating a low-level character and staying that way just so they can be an annoyance, hanging around high-level players’ bases?

One thing that isn’t changing, however, is fast travel. There are no details on how this will work, but we imagine it will be similar to other Fallout games, where you must find a location manually first in order to fast travel to it.

Fallout 76

Of course, this raises some questions. Will there be some kind of protection from people fast travelling near each other? It would be rather annoying if you were travelling along, a player spawns behind you, and fires a nail gun at the back of your head.

Likewise, it would be irritating if you were engaging another player and they vanished into the ether. Hopefully Bethesda has some kind of solution in mind for these potential pitfalls.

If you're wondering where you might zip off to, have a look at the Fallout 76 map and locations. You will be able to build anywhere you want across that map, which is 4x the size of Fallout 4.

Thanks, PCGamer.

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