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Fable II will "define my position in the industry," says Molyneux

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Speaking to GI, Peter Molyneux's said Fable II will be his defining game. Like, him personally.

"At the end of the day you can stand up in front of people and wave your arms, but unless you actually create a product, you don't deserve that attention," he said. "I still stand by that - I think it should define my position in the industry, and if it's not good, that says something about me. And if it is good, that also says something about me.

"Obviously with any creation you always want a bit more time, to play around with it some more, but ultimately I'm incredibly proud of Fable and with what the team has managed to do with it."

More through the link. And here's the full interview. Fable II's out on October 24.

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