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Elite: Dangerous trailer shows space combat concepts

Elite: Dangerous studio Frontier Developments has released a new trailer for its space-faring romp, designed to give you an idea of what the game's combat gameplay will look like.

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The clip above has been used to inspire potential soundtrack composers for the project, so it's unclear whether or not the footage is actually representative of how the final project will appear. Winning composer Erasmus Talbot composed the music heard in the video.

Senior producer Michael Brookes explained the validity of the footage in a forum post and to determine whether the clip was conceptual, or actual gameplay footage.

"It's a mixture of both. It's all captured in game, but there is some post processing and the cockpit is a mock-up (we're implementing it in-game as we speak). We'll release a video in a few weeks that deconstructs the video from an art perspective so you'll get more details then."

He added that enemy ships won't be as easy to kill as the clip suggests.

What do you think of the footage? Let us know below.

Via Eurogamer.

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