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Free Dragon Age short stories fill us in on Corypheus's followers

Dragon Age: Inquisition developer BioWare invites you to learn more about the lore and characters that make up its beautiful role-playing setting.


Dragon Age is set in Thedas, a world still only partially revealed by the three core games to date.

BioWare puts a heck of a lot of work into its worldbuilding, employing a mighty team of writers and artists to shape the background of its games - plus all the comics, novels, anime feature and spin-off titles.

Mega fans can get on board this via the World of Thedas, a two volume (so far) set of hefty books stuffed with background detail. To celebrate the launch of the second volume, BioWare will release two short stories not included in either book.

The stories were authored by BioWare's Joanna Berry, who created Samson and Calpernia. To refresh your memory, these two are followers of Corypheus, Inquisition's Big Baddy. Why would anyone get on board this madman's plan? Perhaps we'll find out.

The first story is called Paper & Steel and is available to read right now on the BioWare Blog.

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