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Last-gen Dragon Age: Inquisition saves can now be imported to PS4 and Xbox One

Dragon Age: Inquisition players thinking of upgrading to a new console have one more reason to make the jump.


Dragon Age: Inquisition released in November, which means there's a pretty good chance a number of gamers who picked it up on PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 have obtained a new console since then, perhaps during the holidays or in the January sales.

If you have hours and hours of progress on your old console but you want to pick up the shinier PS4 or Xbox One version, you're in luck; BioWare has released a tool allowing you to import your saves across the generation gap.

You can bring over both single- and multiplayer data, although the multiplayer side won't go live until patch 8 launches later this month. As usual, you can only import within console families, so PlayStation 3 to PS4, and Xbox 360 to Xbox One. PC saves are not eligible for import or export with other platforms.

For full step-by-step instructions, caveats and details on what happens with your old data, visit the Dragon Age website.

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